We are open to take Leaders on board...
Those having passion, confidence and dream to achieve more ...
We are looking forward for suitable candidates to join our growing family. We are based in West Bengal Region and operating all over India specially for fulfilling clients requirements in commercial , retail and office space.
We assure to create an ideal environment where its employees can have a balance in personal & professional life. Ensuring client's satisfaction is the command to all of our employees and we persistently pursue it.
As an organization, BKS Realcon believes in the power of being together and has a culture of facing challenges and looking for solutions in togetherness. This is an organization looking for excellence and welcomes potential candidates to join the family.
If you have it in you, we have a perfect place where you can not only show your talent but can also nurture it further by offering a unique platform for the appropriate talent and has given them great opportunities to grow and create better positioning for themselves not only on professional front but also on the personal front. Apply with confidence...